The TSSWCB, along with its cooperating entities and laboratories, is committed to the application of sound science, appropriate quality assurance standards, and practicality in supporting agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source abatement and prevention activities. Quality assurance activities are conducted by the TSSWCB and its cooperating entities to ensure that all environmental data generated and processed are scientifically valid; of known precision and accuracy and acceptable completeness, representativeness and comparability; and legally defensible regarding methodology. This is achieved by ensuring that adequate quality assurance tools are used throughout the entire data collection and assessment process (from initial planning through data usage). Cooperating entities, as they are identified, will be required to carry out contracted work under this agency’s Environmental Data Quality Management Plan (QMP) and specific Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs).
For more information, contact Mitch Conine at 254-773-2250, ext. 233, or mconinetsswcb.texas.gov (mconine[at]tsswcb[dot]texas[dot]gov)
Quality Management Plan
The QMP provides the basis for writing QAPPs on the part of this agency and cooperating entities. These quality assurance policies are designed to facilitate the mechanism of data collection, evaluation, and management. The most recent revision of the Environmental Data Quality Management Plan for the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on March 15, 2022.
The purpose of the QMP is to establish a basis for consistency both within the TSSWCB and with cooperators for the application of individual quality assurance practices. Further, it ensures that all monitoring, measurement and modeling activities funded by EPA will be conducted in accordance with EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans (QA/R-2).
The QMP objectives are to clearly delineate the TSSWCB quality assurance policy and management structure which will be used to implement the quality assurance strategy and the quality assurance monitoring requirements necessary to document the reliability and validity of all collected environmental data.
Quality Assurance Project Plans
Each project funded by this agency, that is involved in monitoring and/or modeling, either directly with state funds or as an agent for federal monies which collects environmental data, will have an approved QAPP. A QAPP describes detailed quality assurance and quality control measures that ensure a level of data quality commensurate with the project data objectives. A QAPP also specifies mechanisms by which timely corrective action can be taken in the event that data quality objectives are not met. QAPPs will be completed and in place prior to any environmental data collection. This standing policy is in place to assure that all data, collected by the TSSWCB and other entities within Texas, have compatible and quality assured data collection criteria. QAPPs will be forwarded to the TSSWCB Quality Assurance Officer (QAO) for review and concurrence prior to submittal to EPA for final approval.