Project Goals/Objectives: Demonstrate the effects of alternative tillage practices and atrazine application practices on protecting water quality by reducing atrazine losses; Develop educational materials and present the demonstration results at agricultural meetings, field days, and conferences; Validate the CroPMan simulation model with measured atrazine losses to facilitate simulating long-term losses of atrazine and the probabilities of meeting EPA standard for safe drinking water; Analyze the economic costs, profits, and the cost effectiveness of alternative tillage methods.
Project Location: Willis Creek, Segment 1247A; San Gabriel River, Segment 1248
Project Costs: Federal ($101,271); Non-Federal Match ($67,723); Total ($168,994)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, and Texas AgriLife Research at Blackland Research and Extension Center
Project Workplan: 03-15
Quality Assurance Project Plan: 03-15
Project Final Report: 03-15