Project Goals/Objectives: To provide information on nonpoint sources of Enterococci in the upstream portions of Oso Creek to support development of the TMDL and targeting of implementation activities. Project tasks include 1) routine, surface water quality monitoring at several historic locations along the creek, 2) water quality monitoring of groundwater to examine the potential role of subsurface flows, 3) in-creek sediment and in-field dry soil sampling to determine the possible role of sediment, 4) library-dependent Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) using Kirby-Bauer antibiotic resistance analysis (KB-ARA) and carbon source utilization (CSU), 5) library-independent BST to detect the esp gene in Ent. faecalis, and 6) small scale studies of survival and re-growth of bacteria in sediments.
Project Location: Oso Creek Watershed, Segments 2485 and 2485A
Project Costs: Federal ($442,372); Non-Federal Match ($331,266); Total Project ($773,638)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Project Workplan: 07-13
Quality Assurance Project Plan: 07-13
Project Final Report: 07-13