Project Goals/Objectives: This project will monitor and evaluate the phosphorus reduction capabilities of a state of the art methane digester installed on a dairy facility in the North Bosque River watershed operating in conjunction with a comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP). Edge-of-field monitoring will be initiated to determine the level of phosphorus reduction associated with the wastewater that has undergone treatment using methane digester technology and applied in accordance with the dairy's CNMP. Monitoring will occur on the liquid application fields used by the dairy operator to determine nonpoint source pollution reductions. A final report will be developed assessing the preexisting and post-implementation effects of the project. Soil sampling and water quality monitoring will be utilized to gauge the impacts on water quality.
Project Location: North Bosque River, Segment 1226
Project Costs: Federal ($96,081); Non-Federal Match ($64,055); Total Project ($160,136).
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Brazos River Authority, and Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research
Project Workplan: 03-14
Quality Assurance Project Plan: 03-14
Final Report: 03-14