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Development of a Watershed Protection Plan for Geronimo Creek

Project Goals/Objectives: Based on routine water quality sampling of the stream, Geronimo Creek is impaired by elevated bacteria concentrations and has nutrient enrichment concerns and for nitrate-nitrogen as elevated for the 2008 Texas Water Quality Inventory. High bacteria concentrations do not support contact recreation use and high levels of nitrogen can cause excessive growth of aquatic vegetation leading to a decreased ablilty to support aquatic life use.

Due to these concerns a development of a Watershed Protection Plan will be put in place. Watershed Planning includes the following key tasks: 1) identify desired water quality conditions and measurable goals, 2) prioritize appropriate management practices and needed education and awareness programs to achieve those goals, 3) assist in the development of the WPP document, 4) lead implementation of the plan at the local level, and 5) communicate implications of the WPP to other interested individuals and groups within the watershed.

Project Location: Geronimo Creek and its tributary Alligator Creek are located in Comal and Guadalupe Counties. The lower portion of the Geronimo Creek watershed is in the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the city of Seguin.

The upper portion of the Alligator Creek watershed lies in the ETJ of the city of New Braunfels. Alligator Creek begins of the west side of IH 35 and travels southeast, crossing IH 35 and travelling through a rapidly developing area of the IH 35 corridor. As development and population growth continue, the percentage of urban land use will rise and play an increasingly important role in the hydrology and water quality of Geronimo Creek and its tributaries. A major tributary of the Guadalupe River, the almost 70 square mile Geronimo Creek watershed lies within the larger Guadalupe River Basin.

Project Costs: Federal ($472,398); Non-Federal Match ($320,115); Total Project ($792,513)

Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, and Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA)

Project Workplan: 08-06

Project QAPP: 08-06

Project Modeling QAPP: 08-06

Project Final Report/ Watershed Protection Plan08-06

GBRA Geronimo Creek website

"Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources since 1939."

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