Project Goals/Objectives: To develop a nine element Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) for the Cedar Bayou watershed by: 1) targeted water quality sampling and analysis, 2) conducting a watershed source survey and developing a comprehensive GIS inventory, 3) analyze water quality data using Load Duration Curves and spatially explicit modeling, 4) establish and provide direction for a stakeholder group that will serve as a decision making body.
Project Location: Cedar Bayou in Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties
Project Costs: Federal ($709,000); Non Federal Match ($318,537); Total Project: ($1,027,537)
Project Participant(s): TSSWCB, Houston-Galveston Area Council, Texas AgriLife Exension Service- Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas Stream Team, Texas Conservation Fund, Clean Rivers Program, Galveston Bay Estuary Program
Project Workplan: 10-08
Project Quality Assurance Project Plan(s):