Event Details
September 29, 2023
-Gold Hall Community Center
This workshop will focus on east Texas watersheds and many local efforts to improve water quality. Topics covered will include basic watershed function, water quality, and voluntary best-management practices minimize bacterial contamination originating from grazing livestock and wild pigs.
The free workshop will run from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with lunch provided. Three Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education credits for pesticide applicators are available in the Integrated Pest Management. In addition, Advance Training credits will be offered to Master Naturalist. RSVP by September 25 to one of the hosting counties AgriLife Extension offices.
Other Events in the Area
Texas Well Owner Network
Port Lavaca and Bay City -“The TWON program was established to help well owners become familiar with Texas groundwater resources, septic system maintenance, well maintenance and construction, and water quality and treatment,” he said. “It allows them to learn more about how to improve and protect their community water resources.”
Water samples will be screened for contaminants, including total coliform bacteria, E. coli, nitrate-nitrogen and salinity and in some counties arsenic.